Lake Naplás: giving time-lapse photography another try
Once upon a time I made some time-lapse videos, but I gave up quickly. Recently I have watched yet another Attenborough nature series: The Green Planet. It was full of beautiful time-lapse recordings, and suddenly I felt the urge again to give this genre another try :-)
I visited my favorite recreational area in the Pest side of Budapest: Lake Naplás. It’s an artificial lake close to the border of Budapest, which quickly turned into an important bird nesting place and a protected nature area. The clouds just arrived with an extreme speed. I put down my camera, set the interval timer to 5 seconds, and started taking photos.

Making the time-lapse
This time I was storing photos in JPEG format (instead of RAW), and I did no post-processing. I turned the photos into a movie using OpenShot on Linux. Before I could import the photo sequence into OpenShot, I had to rename the files to have the numbering started at 001. Here is the result:
Next time I should try to do some post-processing and be more careful with setting the distance on the lens. However, as a first attempt after three years, I’m already quite happy with this video :-)