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Power t-shirts

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The syslog-ng Insider 2024-10: 4.8.0 release; version number; Debian Stable

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Syslog-ng needs some karma on Fedora

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Budapest Audio Expo 2024

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FreeBSD audit source for syslog-ng

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POWER for open source enthusiasts: what is coming?

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EuroBSDCon 2024

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Huge improvements for syslog-ng in MacPorts

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Why sudo 1.9.16 enables secure_path by default?

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The syslog-ng Insider 2024-09: documentation; TRANSPORT macro; rolling RPMs

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Sending logs to Quickwit using the OpenTelemetry destination of syslog-ng

First steps with Quickwit and syslog-ng

We are switching syslog-ng containers from Debian Testing to Stable

he syslog-ng Insider 2024-08: 4.8.0 release; Prometheus; Amazon Linux

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