Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “tidal”
Budapest Audio Expo 2024
This weekend I visited the first Audio Expo in Budapest. It was the first music event I truly enjoyed in years. Even if corridors and rooms were packed, there was enough fresh air. What sets this event apart from other events is the focus on listening to music on the vendors’ products rather than just the speeds and feeds on why you should buy their products. While, of course, the expected outcome is the same, with the emphasis on listening to live systems, I found the event much more comfortable to walk around.
Music of the week: five albums to bring with me to the desert island
I love music. My family, friends, colleagues love music. I am in quite a few music-related Facebook groups. A returning question everywhere in the past couple of weeks in various wordings was: what are the five albums you would bring to a desert island? This list is of course changing almost each and every year. And also depends on the number of albums, and if live concert recordings, “best of”, etc.
Music of the week: New Year edition
This is my last blog for 2023, Budapest time. However, it might already be the first blog of the year from me, if you live in Japan or New Zealand :-) This time it’s a single song: “Happy new year” from ABBA (and from me :-) ).
Music of the week: Christmas edition :-)
If it’s Christmas, then for many people it means watching Home alone. Related memes have appeared in social media already in the summer: “100 more days before you watch Home Alone again” ;-) Well, I do not recall when I watched it for the last time, so probably not in the past decade…
However, even I know that the most famous song from the movie is Carol of the Bells. I was surprised to hear how many musicians make a cover of a song from a film.
Music of the week: the church organ
One of my favorite instruments is the church organ. A few weeks ago we already listened to organ and drums, but those were just covers of some popular songs. However, the church organ is also used in original music, including some really well-known songs.
Next to Bach, probably the best-known appearance of a church organ is in Andrew Lloyd Webber’s The Phantom of the Opera. As a kid, first, I copied it from vinyl to tape, after which I also bought it on CD.
Music of the week: String Quartets
One of my favorite albums is Vedres Csaba és a Kairosz kvartett – Áldott Idő / Blessed Time. It was made by Hungarian pianist Csaba Vedres, who worked together with a string quartet. Their music taught me that string quartets playing alone, with a piano, or with any other instrument can do some fantastic music.
The band was founded by Csaba Vedres, who had a classical music education. Besides playing the piano, he also researched the topic of classical vs.
Music of the week: church organ and drums
In the first part of my music recommendation blog series I mentioned that many people turn to me for some less mainstream music. For quite a long time I thought that listening to cellos playing metal is already something niche. Then it turned out that many people around me love this kind of music. Recently I found something really niche: church organ and drums :-)
I love the sound of the church organ.
Music of the week: the Cello
I love the melodies of Metallica songs. However, I strongly prefer instrumental music. That’s why I was very happy, when someone brought Apocalyptica to my attention: they played Metallica on four cellos. Over the years I discovered that metal or any other music sounds nice on cellos, as I learned about two more bands: 2cellos and Mozart Heroes.
But I should not rush so far ahead. In the year 2000 someone introduced me to Metallica.
Music of the week: Pictures at an Exhibition
As you might have guessed from my previous blog posts: I love music. Colleagues, family, and friends often turn to me for suggestions if they want to listen to something new and less mainstream. This blog is about music I listen to, the first part of what will hopefully become a series. I hope you also find something interesting here!
Why did I pick “Pictures at an Exhibition” when I talk about “less mainstream” music in the opening paragraph?
Creaks: The first game I bought for its music
Recently, I was looking for some new hybrid / crossover music, and someone recommended me to check out Hidden Orchestra. Listening to their album, “Creaks” was an instant love. As I learned later, it’s the music of a game. I’m not a gamer, but once seeing that it’s on sale on Humble Bundle I bought it immediately.
You can listen to the whole album here:
You can also find it on Bandcamp.
Hifi Made in Hungary: NCS Audio
Last weekend, I visited a special audio event in Budapest. Two local companies demonstrated their products built into a single audio system. The music was played from TIDAL using an audio PC and DAC made by Bodor Audio and a pair of speakers by NCS Audio.
If you read one of my earlier blogs, you know that I listen to a pair of Heed Enigma 5 speakers. It was a love at first sight during my university years.
The War of the Worlds
“Jeff Wayne’s Musical Version of The War of the Worlds” has been a turning point in my life in many ways. It was one of the first non-classical albums I listened to. It was the starting point in my ability to understand spoken English.
The first steps from classical My parents only listen to classical music. Even Bartók is too modern for them. In my household growing up, I was only exposed to classical music.
Watching movies belonging to soundtracks
When I like a song and learn that it is actually a soundtrack of a movie, I usually look it up on IMDB. Often it belongs to a romantic movie, a super hero movie from Marvel or a TV show. In these cases I do not look any further. But sometimes I get curious while reading the plot or watching the trailer. I’ve found many good movies based on the soundtrack.
High-Resolution Audio: is it worth the hype?
Can you hear the difference between a CD and an MP3 file? Most people cannot. But even if only one in ten can hear something, that means hundreds of millions of people. However, even if you can hear the difference, there is a good chance that the recording you love is not available in better than CD quality. Still, this problem is not as big as you first think. Let me show you why!
One weekend, two updates: Windows 11 and MacOS Monterey
Most people know me as a Linux and/or FreeBSD guy, and they are right. I use openSUSE and FreeBSD most of my time. However, I am not a fanatic who tries to solve everything using a single OS and I am curious as well. Most other operating systems I use are running in virtual machines, but I also have two computers: a Windows desktop and an old MacBook Pro. Both received a major software upgrade during the weekend.
The lazy audiophile
I love listening to music. And while I am lazy (which is the popular term for considering if something is worth the effort before doing it), I still prefer listening to it in a realistic sound quality. Which sounds like a contradiction, isn’t it? Well, yes, but only if you are not ready for compromises. In this blog, I focus on technologies and software problems, and the compromises I made to keep listening to music simple but still enjoy it.