Music of the week: church organ and drums
In the first part of my music recommendation blog series I mentioned that many people turn to me for some less mainstream music. For quite a long time I thought that listening to cellos playing metal is already something niche. Then it turned out that many people around me love this kind of music. Recently I found something really niche: church organ and drums :-)

I love the sound of the church organ. I listened to this instrument as a kid a lot, and I could not get bored of it. I often hear the church organ with drums and several other instruments playing together in contemporary music, and I love it. However, it has never been just the organ and the drums. I have some mixed feelings here: listening to 3-4 songs with just a drums and a church organ is fun. But that’s my limit. So, here I show you three songs.
The first song I have ever listened to was Drumorg playing Popcorn. It is a fun arrangement, and probably the only in this blog, what most other people also find nice:
The next song is a lot more dividing. Many consider it blasphemy: playing the single best known church organ piece with drums. Other consider it fantastic, and listen to it often. The first time I heard it was when someone demonstrated a new pair of self-built speakers to me. At that time the speakers were far from being perfect, however I listened to the music at home, and I liked it:
I was curious, if there is anyone else combining these two instruments. I found one more, the Symphonic Rock Duo, but that was all:
I hope I did not scare you away with this music from my blog series! :-) See you next week!