On this day in 1943 Vangelis was born. The very first CD I bought over three decades ago was composed by him: Chariots of Fire. After so many years, I still love his music.

My Vangelis collection
As you can see, I do not have everything by him. I do not like his earliest and latest works that much, but almost everything in between. Unfortunately I could not find everything on CD. For example, I loved “Soil Festivities”, especially since I was a soil engineer during my college years. But not only is it not available on CD (even used), it is also missing from streaming services.
Several times I learned years later that the music I was listening to was actually a movie soundtrack. Chariots of Fire is one of them, as well as Blade Runner. It became one of my favorite movies, and it’s the only movie I have on 4K bluray.
I’m listening to Vangelis right now and expect to listen to a few more of his albums today :-)
Or, on TIDAL: