FOSDEM 2022: my experiences, sudo talk answers
I spent my last weekend in Brussels at FOSDEM. Well, not really: while I had a couple of Belgian beers, the conference itself was a virtual event and I was at home in Budapest. It’s the second year that FOSDEM is virtual, and yet again I can state that it’s the best virtual event of the year. I had two talks this year. After my second talk, I got some questions during the Q & A session which I could not answer, so I will try to answer them. But before that, let me share my experience!
Why do I say that FOSDEM is the best virtual event? Of course, even they cannot re-create everything from a real-life event, but it is probably the closest and there are even some improvements compared to IRL events.
All talks are pre-recorded and recordings are played back automatically, so there are no schedule problems. As they are pre-recorded, even if the presenter has technical problems, like I had an unstable Internet connection due to storm damage, everyone can still watch the talks.
Talks are available as a simple video stream, but if you register, then there is a live chat where you can ask and upvote questions. There were lively discussions during both of my syslog-ng and sudo talks, and the questions are also answered live during the video stream after the playback is finished.
If the time is up, attendees can stay in the virtual room and watch the next talk starting automagically, or they can also have a hallway track with the presenter. Instructions are printed in the chat and I had some good discussions after my talks in this way.
Sudo talk answers
“do you happen to know why sudo -e has been broken on Fedora CoreOS has been broken for a while?”
This problem has already been fixed upstream, see: It will be most likely fixed as soon as sudo is updated to the latest version (or the patch is picked).
“Does sudo support logfmt, which is somewhat more readable? Halfway between fully structured and human-readable.”
No. Regular sudo logs are pretty similar and slightly more complex, but syslog-ng can parse them: (sudo parser):
Feb 7 17:51:51 czplaptop sudo[21742]: czanik : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/czanik ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/bash
Starting with version 1.9.4 there is also JSON formatting, which is less human-readable, but can be parsed by just about anything and contains a lot more information:
Defaults log_format=json
“Do you have any feedback regarding using sudo with SELinux?”
It is possible to specify an SELinux role and optional type in sudoers rules. The role/type can also be specified on the command line (see -r and -t options). This makes it possible to do SELinux-style role-based access control using sudo. Basically, you can use sudo to run commands with a specific SELinux role/type just like you would with a traditional Linux user.
“What kind of sudo extensions are possible using the C/python API?”
I listed a few in my live answer, but here is the documentation listing all possibilities:
- C:
- Python:
“Are session recordings encrypted?”
Session recordings are encrypted while in transit, see Securing the sudo to sudo_logsrvd connection. Session recordings are not stored in an encrypted format by sudo and sudo_logsrvd.
If you want to make sure that your sudo session recordings are tamper-proof, check out Safeguard for Privileged Sessions(a commercial product), which supports collecting sudo session recordings, saves them in an encrypted and time-stamped storage, and can play back recordings in a web-based interface.