Analyzing Apache HTTPD logs in syslog-ng
Recently, I started my own blog, and as Google Analytics seems to miss a good part of visitors, I wanted to analyze my web server logs myself. I use syslog-ng to read Apache logs, process them, and store them to Elasticsearch. Along the way, I resolve the IP address using a Python parser, analyze the Agent field of the logs, and also use GeoIP to locate the user on the map.
From this blog, you can learn how I built my configuration. Note that once I was ready, I realized that my configuration is not GDPR compliant, so I also show you which parts to remove from the final configuration :-).
Read the rest of my blog at
Bazsi, founder of the syslog-ng project is looking for your feedback. He writes:
“In the past few weeks I performed a round of discussions/interviews with syslog-ng users. I also spent time looking at other products and analyst reports on the market. Based on all this information I’ve come up with a list of potential strategic directions for syslog-ng to tackle. Focusing on these and prioritizing features that fall into one of these directions ensures that syslog-ng indeed moves ahead.”
- The Edge
- Cloud Native
- Observability
- Application awareness
- User friendliness
You can read the rest if his blog and provide him (and the syslog-ng team) with feedback at