Using the udp-balancer() source of syslog-ng PE
Using the udp-balancer() source of syslog-ng PE UDP-based log collection is so last century. We had TCP-based log collection for decades and TLS encryption to secure connections. Still, UDP is in wide use, especially at large companies and industrial automation, where every change is slow. In most cases, UDP logging is used by networking devices, but sometimes it is just left there from ancient times and people are reluctant to change it.
Syslog-ng 3.33: the MQTT destination
Syslog-ng 3.33: the MQTT destination Version 3.33 of syslog-ng introduced an MQTT destination. It uses the paho-c client library to send log messages to an MQTT broker. The current implementation supports version 3.1 and 3.1.1 of the protocol over non-encrypted connections, but this is only a first step.
From this blog, you can learn how to configure and test the mqtt() destination in syslog-ng.
Read my blog at https://www.syslog-ng.com/community/b/blog/posts/syslog-ng-3-33-the-mqtt-destination