Creating an endless loop using MQTT and syslog-ng
Version 3.35.1 of syslog-ng introduced an MQTT source. Just for some fun in the last syslog-ng blog post of the year, I created an endless loop using syslog-ng and the Mosquitto MQTT broker. Of course, it does not have much practical value other than possibly a bit of stress testing, but hopefully provides a fun introduction to MQTT-related technologies in syslog-ng.
Read my blog at https://www.syslog-ng.com/community/b/blog/posts/creating-an-endless-loop-using-mqtt-and-syslog-ng
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The syslog-ng insider 2021-12: Humio; Log Management; Panther;
The December syslog-ng newsletter is now on-line:
Sending logs to Panther using syslog-ng Reducing the complexity of log management Sending logs to Humio using the elasticsearch-http() destination of syslog-ng It is available at https://www.syslog-ng.com/community/b/blog/posts/the-syslog-ng-insider-2021-12-humio-log-management-panther
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Installing syslog-ng on CentOS Stream 9
CentOS Stream 9 has been around for a while, but it was officially announced just a few days ago. I already tested some earlier snapshots and they had some rough edges. The current version installed without random crashes, has networking and runs smoothly. EPEL – the semi-official repository by Fedora maintainers – is already there, but practically empty, syslog-ng or it’s dependencies are not yet there. As someone asked about syslog-ng support, I had a first try at building it.
Reducing the complexity of log management
It is easy to over-complicate log management. Almost all departments in a company need to log messages for their daily activities. However, installing several different log management and analysis systems in parallel is a nightmare both from a security and an operations perspective and wastes many resources. You cannot always reduce the number of log analysis systems, but you can reduce the complexity of log management. Let me show you, how.
Syslog-ng on MacOS Monterey
Each new MacOS release brings some surprises when it comes to compiling syslog-ng. Just a couple of months ago, I provided you with a couple of pointers on how to compile syslog-ng on MacOS. Since then, MacOS Monterey was released and Homebrew was updated. So, here are some updated instructions for MacOS Monterey.
You can read my blog at https://www.syslog-ng.com/community/b/blog/posts/syslog-ng-on-macos-monterey
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Python support arrives in Safeguard for Sudo
Version 1.9 of sudo was released almost two years ago. One of the major new features was support for Python plugins. Previously, you could only extend sudo by coding in C to better suit your environment, which is not the easiest task to manage. Python makes both coding and distributing the results easier. Starting with Safeguard for Sudo 7.2, Python support is also available in a commercial sudo management solution.
The syslog-ng Insider 2021-11: 3.35; SSB; MacOS; mqtt() destination updates;
Better late than never I just put online the November syslog-ng newsletter. Topics include:
syslog-ng version 3.35.1 is now available Sending logs from syslog-ng store box to Splunk MacOS support Syslog-ng 3.34: MQTT destination with TLS and WebSocket support It is available at https://www.syslog-ng.com/community/b/blog/posts/the-syslog-ng-insider-2021-11-3-35-ssb-macos-mqtt-destination-updates
Sending logs from syslog-ng store box to Splunk
One of the most popular applications to feed Splunk with syslog messages is syslog-ng. However not everyone is happy to work on the command line anymore. This is where syslog-ng store box (SSB), an appliance built around syslog-ng, can help. The SSB GUI provides you not only with an easyto-use interface to configure most syslog-ng features, but also a search interface and complete log life cycle management. It can forward log messages to several destinations, recently also to Splunk’s HTTP Event Collector (HEC).
Sequence – making PatternDB creation for syslog-ng easier
Sequence – making PatternDB creation for syslog-ng easier We are well into the 21st century, but most of the log messages still arrive in an unstructured format. For well over a decade, syslog-ng had a solution to turn unstructured messages into name-value pairs, called PatternDB. However, creating a pattern database for PatternDB from scratch is a source of major pain. Or rather, it was: sequence-rtg – a fork of the sequence log analyzer – provides a new hope!
Sending logs to Humio using the elasticsearch-http() destination of syslog-ng
One of the most popular syslog-ng destinations is Elasticsearch. Humio, a log management provider, supports a broad range of ingest options and interfaces, including an Elasticsearch-compatible API. Last week, Humio announced Humio Community Edition, which provides the full Humio experience for free, with some limitations on daily ingestion and retention time. I tested the Community Edition, and it works perfectly well with syslog-ng.
If you come from the Humio side, you might wonder what syslog-ng is.