syslog-ng 4 theme: typing
As explained in my previous post, we do have some features already in mind for syslog-ng 4, even though the work on creating a long term set of objectives for the syslog-ng project is not finished yet. One of the themes that I have working code for already, is typing.
syslog-ng traditionally assumes that log data, even if it comes in a structured form (like RFC5424 structured data or JSON) is primarily textual in nature.
Sudo 1.9.10: using regular expressions in the sudoers file
It has been possible to use wildcards in the sudoers file for many years. This can make configuration easier and more flexible, but it also introduces problems of its own. Regular expressions, introduced in in sudo 1.9.10, allow you to create more fine grained rules. From this blog you will learn about some of the problems when you use wildcards in your sudoers file, and how using regular expressions can resolve those problems.
Syslog-ng 3.36 news: better TLS 1.3, basic MacOS support, and many more
Version 3.36 of syslog-ng brings us many interesting new features. There is now basic support for system() source on MacOS, TLS 1.3 ciphers can now be restricted, TLS keylog support was added, symlink creation to the latest file, and there are many new possibilities in syslog parsing.
From this blog, you can learn about some of the new 3.36 features, and we will test symlink creation, which is a community-contributed feature.
A minimalist syslog-ng package is heading to EPEL 9
Last week, the ivykis library, the most important core dependency of syslog-ng landed in EPEL 9 successfully. There are still plenty of dependencies missing, but this way, I could submit a slightly cut down version of syslog-ng to EPEL 9. Hopefully the rest of the dependencies will arrive in EPEL 9 as well. I plan to update the syslog-ng package as soon as the dependencies arrive. Luckily, these are only needed to enable some less frequently used syslog-ng destination drivers, no core functionality is affected.
Contacting the syslog-ng team: reporting problems, asking questions
Recently I got some complaints that it is difficult to figure out how to contact the syslog-ng team to get help or report problems. Most of this information is available both on the syslog-ng website and at the syslog-ng repository on GitHub, but collecting here all information might be still useful for some people.
Read the rest of my blog at https://www.syslog-ng.com/community/b/blog/posts/contacting-the-syslog-ng-team-reporting-problems-asking-questions
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Elasticsearch 8 and syslog-ng
General availability of Elasticsearch 8 was announced last week. There were quite a few rumors that it will break compatibility with third party tools. I tested it as soon as I had a little time: I am happy to share that anything I tested with the elasticsearch-http() destination of syslog-ng still seems to work perfectly well with the latest version of Elasticsearch.
You can read the rest of my blog at https://www.
The syslog-ng Insider 2022-02: Reboot; Sequence; Monterey; CentOS 9;
The February syslog-ng newsletter is now on-line:
syslog-ng relaunch Sequence – making PatternDB creation for syslog-ng easier Syslog-ng on MacOS Monterey Installing syslog-ng on CentOS Stream 9 It is available at https://www.syslog-ng.com/community/b/blog/posts/the-syslog-ng-insider-2022-01-reboot-sequence-monterey-centos-9
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syslog-ng-future.blog? Is this a fork or what?
Seemingly a boring topic, Balázs Scheidler finds open source licensing fascinating. It allows him to work on syslog-ng even though Balabit was acquired. He writes:
“I mentioned in the previous post that I would like to focus on syslog-ng and put it more into the spotlight. I also mentioned that Balabit, the company I was a founder of and the commercial sponsor behind syslog-ng, was acquired by One Identity ~4 years ago.
cvtsudoers: merging multiple sudoers files into one
We learned in my previous sudo blog that cvtsudoers is not just for LDAP. Version 1.9.9 of sudo extends the querying possibilities of cvtsudoers further and adds a brand new feature: merging multiple sudoers files into one. Both are especially useful when you have complex configurations. Querying lets you to better understand what the various rules allow in your sudoers file. Merging helps you to combine multiple configurations into one, so you do not have to maintain a separate sudoers file on each of your hosts.
Working with JSON logs from sudo in syslog-ng
This weekend I am going to give a talk about sudo in the security track of FOSDEM. I will talk a few words about logging at each major point I mention, but I cannot go into too much detail there. So, consider this blog both as a teaser and an extension to my FOSDEM talk. You will learn how to work with JSON formatted logs in syslog-ng and also about new sudo features along the way.